General patterns of synergistic interaction of heavy metals with hyperthermia or ionizing radiation
1A. Tsyb Medical Radiological Research Center - branch of the National Medical Research Radiological Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,
Obninsk, 249031, Kaluga region, Russia
2Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific Research Center for Radiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kaluga Region, Obninsk, e-mail:
Brief summary
The work is devoted to the study of the synergistic effect display after the simultaneous interaction of heavy metal salts and hyperthermia. It is shown that synergistic interaction is observed only in a certain range of acting temperatures and concentrations of heavy metals, which can be different for various conditions of combined treatments. In this case, the optimum temperature or concentration of the heavy metal is recorded at which the greatest synergistic interaction is observed. The dependence of synergism on the concentration of heavy metals was revealed. It was shown that the lower this concentration, the lower the greatest synergistic effect recorded. These data can be considered as an indication of the potential significance of synergistic interactions at low concentrations of harmful substances that are important for environmental problems. A qualitative interpretation of the results obtained is discussed.
Key words
synergism, hyperthermia, heavy metals, synergistic enhancement ratio, drug concentration.
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