The correlation between pupil size during phacoemulsification and changes on the central retinal thickness after surgery in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma
I.P.Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg
"City multidiscipline hospital no.2", St. Petersburg
Brief summary
Cataract and primary open-angle glaucoma remain the main causes of reduced vision. Phacoemulsification (PhE) is the gold standard of surgical treatment of cataract. Various factors may influence to intraoperative pupil size and stability, including the use of hypotensive drops. The relationship between intraoperative pupil diameter and change of central retina thickness after operation is not studied yet.
Aim. To evaluate the correlation between pupil diameter during phacoemulsification and change of central retina thickness after operation withing 6 months in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG).
Materials and methods. 94 patients with cataract were enrolled in the study, divided into 3 groups. I group - 21 patients with POAG (27 eyes) using topical antibiotics and steroids after operation. II group - 21 patients with POAG (23 eyes) and III control group - 52 patients (58 eyes) without ocular comorbidities additionly using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drops (NSAID). All patients received subconjunctival injection of 0,1% atropin - 0,1 ml and 1% mesaton - 0,1 ml in 30 minutes before operation to dilate pupil. All patients underwent uncomplicated phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation. We measured the pupil size in the beginning and at the end of the operation. Central retinal thickness was measured with optical coherence tomography (OCT) before surgery, 2 weeks, 2 and 6 months after surgery.
Results. There is no correlation between intraoperation pupil diameter and change of central retina thickness after surgery in the groups. In the I group 2 weeks after surgery r = -0,32, p = 0,24; 2 months: r = -0,49, p = 0,053; 6 months: r = -0,33; p = 0,35. In the II group 2 weeks after surgery: r = 0,28, p = 0,33; 2 months: r = 0,17, p = 0,58; 6 months: r = 0,23, p = 0,62. In the III control group 2 weeks after surgery: r = 0,05, p = 0,76; 2 months: r = -0.06, p = 0,71; 6 months: r = -0,07, p = 0,71.
Conclusions. There is no correlation between intraoperative pupil diameter and change of central retina thickness after phacoemulsification at different periods of follow up.
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