1 Southern Urals Biophysics Institute, 19 Ozyorskoe shosse, Ozyorsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia, 456783
2 Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution Clinical Hospital No.71 affiliated to the Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia, 1 Stroitelnaya str., Ozyorsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia, 456780
Brief summary
The intake of radionuclides during radiation accidents and non-routine situations (RANRS) at radiation-hazardous facilities poses a serious threat to workers' health. These situations happen rarely, however they still require increased attention and immediate response.
We analysed RANRS that happened at the nuclear facility Mayak Production Association (PA) during 2010-2020. It was found that intakes of plutonium and americium were predominant (90% of total RANRS), and percutaneous intakes of radionuclides, including those through hand skin microtraumas (62% of RANRS), prevailed. 13% of accidental intakes of radionuclides were found retrospectively during routine radiation dose monitoring.
The duration of temporary disability of workers involved in RANRS ranged from 2 days to 2.5 months due to the need of the long-term decorporation therapy. The duration of individual dosimetry monitoring ranged from 2 days to 12 months until terminal estimates of expected effective radiation doses (EERD) due to the accidental intakes of radionuclides were obtained. Four participants of RANRS demonstrated accidental EERD that exceeded the dose limits, and individual dosimetry monitoring was organised for two workers to eliminate the possibility of exceeding occupational radiation limits in later periods. No peculiarities of the long-term chronic morbidity of nuclear accident participants were found. 1 malignant neoplasm (skin basalioma) was diagnosed in 5 years after a RANRS.
RANRS analysis highlighted the need to improve reliability of the existing radiation dose monitoring at a nuclear facility and to scale up prevention of work-related injuries. To enhance effectiveness of radionuclide decorporation actions, it is important to shorten the time before the start of medical and dosimetry monitoring and relevant therapy for participants of RANRS.
Key words
accidental intakes of radionuclides; workers of the nuclear industry; Mayak PA
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