Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education ?Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov "Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Brief summary
The Veterans' Health Administration (VA) of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) oversees one of the nation's largest integrated healthcare delivery programs (systems). The WHA estimates that approximately 6.3 million veterans were assisted in 2020, with a total funding of US $ 81 billion. The Veterans Health Protection Program (hereinafter - the Program), developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, determines the possibility of providing medical assistance to veterans, depending on the funding of the program. Veterans' eligibility for medical care from VA funds is based on veteran status as a result of military service. Veteran status must meet the minimum military service requirements; however, under certain circumstances, exceptions are made for veterans dismissed for health reasons (for example, due to a disability resulting from service), reserve soldiers and members of the National Guard. US Veterans are divided into eight priority categories. Categories depend on factors such as service-related disability, annual income, combat veteran status, and others. The VHA may restrict enrollment in the event of insufficient funding. Some veterans with high income or without a disability in the course of their service. Children of veterans and their caregivers are eligible to enroll in the BCA's Civic Health and Care Program, which reimburses their medical costs to non-BA providers. Any veteran enrolled in the Program may be expelled from the program because they do not meet the criteria or not receive all the necessary medical services.
Key words
USA, Armed Forces, veterans, medical support, health, morbidity, financing.
8. Center for Medicare and Medicaid services: National Health Expenditure Data. [elektronnii resyrs] URL: https://www.cms.gov/ Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/ NationalHealthExpendData. Data obrasheniya: 27.03.2021