The comparative evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of various methods of drainage of the biliary tract in patients with acute cholangitis in an emergency hospital
1 Saint-Petersburg I. I. Dzhanelidze research institute of emergency medicine, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2 S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Brief summary
Treatment of Cholangitis is one of the urgent problems of emergency surgery. The aim of the research is a comparative evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of various methods of drainage of the biliary tract in patients with acute cholangitis in an emergency hospital.
Materials and methods. The research included 366 patients with acute cholangitis. Patients were divided into 4 groups: 133 patients underwent transdermal transhepatic decompression (group I), 28 patients were operated in the traditional way (group II), 55 patients were operated by a laparoscopic method (group III), 150 patients underwent endoscopic surgery (group IV).
During the comparative analysis, three indicators were evaluated:
- the cost of one day of treatment,
- the cost of treatment of one patient,
- the cost of equipment
Results. Antegrade decompression is more cost-effective method in comparison with alternative methods of decompression of the biliary tract in patients with acute cholangitis in an emergency hospital.
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