S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Military Institute of Physical Culture, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Brief summary
The study included 123 victims with a closed heart injury. All victims, depending on the severity of heart damage, were divided into four groups. The state of central hemodynamics was assessed by the method of integral rheography of the body with the ability to process the eographically signal. Echocardiography was used to verify the method and evaluate the diastolic function. Hemodynamic disturbances with a closed heart injury are characterized by a decrease in mean arterial pressure, cardiac and shock indices, and an increase in heart rate. Hemodynamic disorders clearly correlate with the severity of heart damage. In case of closed trauma of the heart, rhythm and conduction disturbances are recorded: extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, blockade of the branch lines of the His, atrioventricular block. A high inverse correlation was established between the stroke and minute volumes of the heart, on the one hand, and the concentrations of lactic, pyruvic acid in the myocardium and serum creatine phosphokinase activity.
Key words
closed heart injury, central hemodynamic parameters, heart rhythm disturbances.