Features of mechanisms of regulation of vegetative functions of the military personnel with boundary mental disorders and suicidal behavior
Seregin D.A.1, Dnov K.V.2
1 Military Medical Academy. S.M. Kirov, Saint Petersburg
Department of Psychiatry
2 St. Petersburg Postgraduate Institute of Medical experts,
Department of medico-social and psychological assistance
Brief summary
The article deals with the features of manifestations and mechanisms of regulation of vegetative functions of soldiers with borderline mental disorders and suicidal behavior. The study included 162 healthy male soldiers aged 20.3+/-0.8 years and 37 soldiers with borderline mental disorders and suicidal behavior at the age of 19.3+/-2.5 years. According to the results of the examination it was found that the majority of the examined patients had a high tension index (IN), or stress index (SI), reflecting the degree of tension of regulatory systems (SI =240,6+/-98,2; n=37). In healthy soldiers it was (SI=61,7+/-22,9; n=114). This indicator, together with other HRV parameters, can be used for monitoring, predicting borderline functional States, mental disorders and suicidal behavior.
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