State Scientific-Research Test Institute of Military Medicine of Department of Defense of the Russian Federation
The federal state budget military educational institution of higher education Military medical academy n. a. S.M. Kirov.
Brief summary
The nature of pharmacological interaction of mesocarbum and ladasten by their effect on physical working capacity of laboratory animals was studied. It was shown that following coadministration of mesocarbum in doses 4,5 8 mg/kg and ladasten in doses 90-100 mg/kg the development of additive interaction is observed according to an effect of an increase of physical working capacity (triple forced swim test with 8 % load). When mesocarbum was coadministered in doses 4,5?8 mg/kg with ladasten in doses 90-100 mg/kg the interaction by the type was more than additive. Antagonistic interaction is predicted following low doses of mesocarbum and high doses of ladasten or high doses of mesocarbum and average doses of ladasten.
Key words
ladasten, mesocarbum, pharmacological interaction, physical working capacity, forced swim test
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