Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific-Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecology"
Research Institute (shipbuilding and Navy) VUNTS Navy \"Naval Academy\"
Brief summary
Sanitation chemical and toxicity studies of synthetic turbine oil were conducted by taking operating conditions. Rate of oil loss was measured under operational (60 degrees Celsius) and emergency temperature conditions (110 degrees Celsius). Compositional analysis of oil vapors gaseous phase was studied at operation temperature. Acute toxicological parameters were estimated and topical irritation was studied. The threshold and no observed effect level of gas vapors under subchronic exposure in laboratory animals in terms of physiological, haematological and biochemical parameters were measured. Odor threshold and stimulation threshold of oil vapors for humans were measured. Reference doses of oil vapors into the atmosphere.
Key words
synthetic turbine oil, acute toxicity, subchronic exposure, danger, compositional analysis of the gaseous phase, inhalation, odorimetry, estimated MAC.