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Институт теоретической и экспериментальной биофизики Российской академии наук.


Адрес редакции и реквизиты

199406, Санкт-Петербург, ул.Гаванская, д. 49, корп.2

ISSN 1999-6314

Российская поисковая система

Vol. 21, Art. 37 (pp. 452-473)    |    2020       

Prospects for the use of scavengers as antidote therapy for acute poisoning with anticholinesterase substances (literature review)
1State Scientific-research Test Institute of the Military Medicine,
Russian Federation Defense Ministry, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2Kirov`s Military Medical Academy, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Brief summary

The review discusses approaches to the prevention and treatment of organophosphate (OP) poisoning associated with the use of biomolecules that bind or hydrolyze a toxicant. The current level of development in the field of creating stoichiometric scavengers is described, of which the most effective and studied are the recombinant forms of acetyl- and butyryl-cholinesterase (BuChE). Cholinesterase-based stoichiometric scavengers in animals are characterized by a level of effective doses of about 60 mg / kg, in which they provide protection against poisoning of OP in lethal doses. The prospects of the use of BuChE for the prevention of inhalation poisoning of OP are evaluated. The data on the effectiveness of chemical scavengers (based on cyclodextrins and calixarenes) are presented, which have an advantage over proteins in terms of stability and availability of production. The work pays great attention to catalytic and pseudocatalytic scavengers. As the most promising catalytic systems, enzymes human paraoxonase-1 and bacterial phosphotriesterase are justified. The data on the effectiveness of these agents in animal OP poisoning models of are presented, which indicate that catalytic scavengers, given iv in the effective dose range of about 2-5 mg / kg, provide protection for fatal poisoning. A critical analysis of the problems associated with biotechnological developments and the medical use of protein and enzyme preparations, proposed as scavengers, is presented, and directions for improving their medical, tactical and pharmaceutical characteristics are identified.

Key words

stoichiometric scavengers, catalytic bioscavengers, peptides, expression, recombinant enzymes, molecular modeling, chemical modifications

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Reference list

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