Bioindication of emergency intake of alpha-emitting nuclides
Sinelshchikova O.A., Azizova T.V.
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Southern Urals Biophysics Institute at the Federal Medical Biological Agency of the Russian Federation 456780, Russian Federation, Ozyorsk, Ozerskoe shosse, 19
Brief summary
Assessment of genome disorders in case of emergency admission of alpha-emitting nuclides was carried out in an employee D. 53 years old - a participant in a radiation emergency (PRE), as a result of which actinides were received through the damaged skin of the 1st finger of the right hand. During the examination and treatment of the employee, a cytogenetic study of peripheral blood lymphocytes was performed by a routine method. Peripheral blood samples were taken after 24 hours, 48 hours, 4 days, 7 days, 21 days, 30days and 6 months after the PRE. The objective of the present stage of the study was to evaluate the results of the analysis of genome disorders in case of emergency admission of alpha-emitting nuclides. As a bioindication of radiation, the frequency of chromosomal aberration (CA) in peripheral blood lymphocytes was used. When using the routine method cytogenetic analysis of the employee registered stable and unstable CA - translocations, chromatid discontinuities, dicentrics, free fragments. The results of the cytogenetic examination of an employee exposed to acute emergency radiation suggest that the nature of genome disorders and the frequency of CA are the result of exposure to alpha-emitting nuclides with high LET (bioindication).
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