Physical and sensory-motor development offspring, new approaches assessment in experimental biology and medicine
FGBUN IT FMBA Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of toxicology of the Federal medical-biological agency
FGBNU NII MT FMBA Federal State Budgetary Science Institution Scintific institute of occupational medicine named after academician N.F. Izmerova
Brief summary
The purpose of the study was to test a new approach to assessing the physical and sensory-motor development of the offspring of female rats receiving morphine hydrochloride (MHC) for 3 months before pregnancy at various stages of ontogenesis, starting with prepubescent. The parameters of physical and sensory-motor development in dynamics were studied in the born offspring. Indices are proposed that allow not only to quantify changes in body weight, the degree of physical and sensory-motor development in the experimental groups in comparison with the control groups and among themselves, but also to determine the correspondence of some signs of offspring development to others.
Key words
morphine, physical development offspring, sensory-motor development offspring, postnatal development, reproductive function of female, index of physical development, index of sensory-motor development, index of harmony of development.
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