The scientific work is based on the results of examinations of 158 pediatric patients, who were treated for dentin posterior teeth caries using restorative technique. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the approach to dental materials selection in the treatment of posterior teeth caries l according to G.V. Black Class I based on analysis of the molecular genetics tests, microbiological investigations and experiment with saliva metabolic parameters results. For the first time was analyzed the bacterial spectrum from their restoration's surfaces using two molecular genetics methods of children previously treated in Saint Petersburg. There were studied experimentally saliva integral parameters from 12-years old pediatric dental patients, who were treated using composite filling or glass ionomer cement. Based on the obtained data it was concluded that the usage of glass ionomer cement showed better biocompatibility in group of 12-years old patients with DMF-Index 0,4-0,6 (Р<0,05) compared with composite. This fact allows us to recommend the preferential usage of this material in such group of patients. For the future proposed experimental technology of saliva diagnostics can permit to individualize the approach to dental materials selection taking into account the dental status and age group during the implementing the research results in the practical dental clinical practice.
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