Federal State Fiscal Military Educational Establishment
of Higher Professional Education "Military Medical Academy after S.M. Kirov" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Brief summary
The influence of the constitutional characteristics of the trainees on the success of learning and adaptation in the conditions of military academies. It is revealed that in somatic type the structure the greatest number was made up of students with predominance of mesomorphic component. Cadets of mesomorphic and ectomorphic somatotype with an average mark of 4,2 or more (group 1 - highest performance level), compared with students whose GPA is 3,5 or less (group 2 - low level of achievement), there has been a significant increase of indexes of physical preparedness (time of the run on 100 m and 3 km). The indicators characterizing the strength, set a moderate positive correlation (r=0,32) between the successful training of cadets of the 2nd and 1st groups mesomorphic and ectomorphic types. Also showed a significant increase in heart rate and blood pressure during functional stress testing of cadets of different somatotypes of the 2nd group compared to 1st group. It is established that in the 1st group of students mesomorphic and ectomorphic types, compared to the 2nd group observed a significant increase in the total number of executed tasks according to the techniques of arithmetic account, the analogy, the establishment of patterns, verbal memory, number series, visual memory and creative thinking. Thus, the level of activity of the mental processes of cadets of different somatotypes successful in learning significantly higher than students of the same somatotype, but poor academic performance during the year. Data obtained in this study show that the adaptive ability of a cadet to full realization in the learning process, when he is already involved in the educational process, its physiological reserves start to adapt to study and life in the military academies.
Key words
Constitutional features, the cadets, mesomorphic and ectomorphic somatotype, the body's adaptive ability, success, military school.
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